Bird Poop Attacks Blind Drivers in 10 U.S. Cities

Bird Poop Attacks Blind Drivers in 10 U.S. Cities

Eco-Extremists Use Sonic Tech to Weaponize Birds

Commuters across America were stunned to see their car windshields coated with falling bird poop yesterday. A group calling itself the “Eye in the Sky” is protesting the nationwide destruction of woodlands and bird preserves. Unnamed sources claim the Pentagon is negotiating with this eco-group to purchase it’s advanced technology



Congress Votes to Replace Flawed U.S. Election System with Rock, Paper, Scissors

Congress Votes to Replace Flawed U.S. Election System with Rock, Paper, Scissors

Vying Candidates to Fling Fingers in Public View to Decide Contests

Citing vulnerability to hacking and frequent recounts, the U.S. is moving to a simpler system. “We may never simplify the tax system,” explained one Congresswoman. “But at least we can dumb this thing down.” Primary candidates will compete in best two-out-of-three. November candidates will make it best four-out-of-seven. Consulting firms specializing in game theory should be quite busy.

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Your donation will help keep our small server farm running.

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