Introducing BEERWINE. The beer that tastes like wine.

Introducing BEERWINE. The beer that tastes like wine.

These days your waiter can spend as much time extolling a trendy porter as a sommelier describing a bottle of Pinot. So if you like wine but want to fit in with your beer snob friends, ask for a glass of Beerwine. It looks and pours just like beer. But tastes like a fine wine.

Prefer beer? Ask about new Winebeer.




Suds for connoisseurs



For treatment of whatever we can make a profit on.

*WARNING: May cause abdominal cramps, acid reflux, acne, ADD, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, ankle pain, antisocial behavior, baldness, bad breath, blindness, boils, cancer, chilblains, consumption, dandruff, deafness, elbow pain, erectile disfunction, fatty liver, foot pain, genital warts, gout, heart disease, hiatal hernia, impetigo, influenza, joint pain, keratosis, kidney failure, laryngitsis, listeria, measles, mumps, nausea, nerve disease, obsessive compulsive disorder, Paget’s disease, palpitates, pancreatitis, rabies, rheumatism, scurvy, stroke, scarlet fever, sciatica, scleroderma, scrotum pain, tachycardia, teething, ulcers, underarm sweating, varicose veins, viral hepatitis, Whitemore disease, wrestler’s ear, yellow fever, abdominal cramps, acid reflux, acne, ADD, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, ankle pain, antisocial behavior, baldness, bad breath, blindness, boils, cancer, chilblains, consumption, dandruff, deafness, elbow pain, erectile disfunction, fatty liver, foot pain, genital warts, gout, heart disease, hiatal hernia, impetigo, influenza, joint pain, keratosis, kidney failure, laryngitsis, listeria, measles, mumps, nausea, nerve disease, obsessive compulsive disorder, Paget’s disease, palpitates, pancreatitis, rabies, rheumatism, scurvy, stroke, scarlet fever, sciatica, scleroderma, scrotum pain, tachycardia, teething, ulcers, underarm sweating, varicose veins, viral hepatitis, Whitemore disease, wrestler’s ear, and yellow fever.


A product of

Ill-gotten Pharmaceuticals